Search results

  1. [Buying] Want this acount!

    Thank you. Plus @Kev It was jacked from me and put on a silver. It shouldn't coat much since it isn't og too. [hr] BUMP BUMP BUMP BUMP Still no one?
  2. [Buying] Want this acount!

    Just wondering if anyone can get the gt Darth Hype. It's on a silver.
  3. GT: Jayzul

    $6? :D derp derp derp derp
  4. GT: Twist - $95 Buy It Now

    My gamertag is Koyuki. Message me :P[hr] Alright. I got it, msg me on aim sic.k
  5. GT: Twist - $95 Buy It Now

    I would like to buy but can you add me on my xbl account first?
  6. [Buying]buying OG pokemons. (No plurals)

    If you can, that would be great
  7. [Buying]buying OG pokemons. (No plurals)

    I want to buy a pokemon GT. No plurals please :D