Search results

  1. Lancer

    Dream Tag

    My dream tag would be: Omega its an 11 year and will Probabily Never be for sale
  2. Lancer

    Banned OG's

    What would be the point of this if all you could do is play single player games? Most of the "NICE" OG tags are permanently banned anyway
  3. Lancer

    My Friends Crazy Lifting Stats

    Thats what he can probabily max out on one time but your not going to build muscle fast if you keep lifting extremely heavy weights like that, youll build muscle faster and tone better if you focus on doing more reps and Gradually increasing your weight mass
  4. Lancer

    Clean Bulk

    The best way to tone/bulk the human body is to first lean out by dieting and doing proper Cardio exercises to obtain/start building maximum aesthetic muscle build. Working out 5 days a week will be plenty, make sure your doing lots of cardio to get the heart pumping and blood flowing in the...
  5. Lancer

    Looking for OG Xbox Gamertags

    Hey Guys im very new to this site i was reffered by my boy Gee to join FK to buy/sell gamertags. A couple of people know that my main OG account got console/ permanently banned so i'm looking for a new Sick OG tag. My Budget: $200-$300 Thanks. Kik: Load Payment Method will only be PayPal