Search results

  1. Selling Semi-Og's and other cool tags.

    I have some Semi-Og gamertags.. Quote a price (message me) you would offer for any of these tags. thanks :) I will accept paypal. Moiled - work hard. Recensor - an adverse critic; faultfinder. Decentered - displace from the centre or from a central position. Coactor - A starring actor or...
  2. wanting to buy a nice semi/og gt

    I have some Semi-Ogs and OG's. Quote a price (message me) you would offer for any of these tags. thanks :) Moiled Recensor Decentered Coactor Sooted Impled Gulfed Dueted Stvdy (a v instead of a u) iSchool (wouldnt consider this as an OG but its pretty cool)
  3. OG tags for sale?

    I have some Semi-Ogs and OG's. Quote a price you would offer for any of these tags. thanks :) Moiled Recensor Decentered Coactor Sooted Impled Gulfed Dueted Stvdy (a v instead of a u) iSchool (wouldnt consider this as an OG but its pretty cool)