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  1. Gamertag

    I'd say 50-60 but I'm not the perfect appraiser for tags like this
  2. Appraise my GT

    I'd say around $70-90 as it's a random 3 letter. No meaning, unless you're selling it to "Ian Evan Kaplan" I can't see anybody paying over $100 for it
  3. Selling 7 Letter

    I actually like this tag tbh, just don't have the funds to spend $200 on it ATM.
  4. Og club penguin

    Ya I'll hit you in the pms. We need a middle man for sure for this transaction.
  5. Og club penguin

    Ill bid $4 on this oh geeee acct lmao
  6. OG GT Appraisal

    Alright thanks. I was sitting here thinking it was like 100 lmao
  7. OG GT Appraisal

    Really I was thinking it was worth a lot more than that lol.
  8. OG GT Appraisal

    Thanks for the appraisals guys. :( thought it was worth more
  9. Trading GT

  10. Semi Gamertag Lot Appraisal 14 GTs

    No need for that, I just wanted an appraisal
  11. Kik

    exercise is common not exorcise
  12. Semi Gamertag Lot Appraisal 14 GTs

    Thanks guys for the appraisals
  13. Selling a nice tag! [No consoles!]

    Hi Can you PM me the tag philly?
  14. Looking for a 3 Character

    When I get 10 posts I'll PM you.
  15. Selling two 3 chars

    Pm me it's "verify" this is my first acct I just forgot the password until now
  16. Thoughts on a GT

    I have the GT D*scr*fts, it's a frisbee/disc brand. I just wanted to get some opinions on this. Is it worth anything at all?!
  17. Looking for a 3 Character

    I just figured out the password to my first account. I didn't know you could get banned for having two accts though lol.