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  1. Melt's GT Shop!

    RE: Voltage's GT Shop *CHEAP* VOUCH for my boy Voltage! hit him upp!!
  2. Og or Semi $50pp

    my aim is Sneakzyy hmu
  3. Buying acc 30$

    Thugish, Commonize, Swhirly, Whirlpool aim is Sneakzyy
  4. Looking for sick OG

    Thugish, Germproof if your interested my aim is Sneakzyy
  5. If you have EVER been scammed please read this!

    @Dreams who isn't legit? your post could have been directed at two different people haha i just want to know who to be careful of :)
  6. Cool Tags [$50 budget]

    i have Thugish, Germproof, WhirlpooI hit me up if your interested my aim is Sneakzyy
  7. Selling OG 2 letter and 3 Letter

    Some nasty tags you got Dreams ;) if i had cash id be alll over the second one ahahha. but they do seem to be jacked
  8. Need a good tag for a main.

    i have Thugish and Germproof if your interested my aim is Sneakzyy
  9. 30$ or under OGs

    hey i got Thugish and Germproof my aim is Sneakzyy if your interested
  10. Gamertags

    Thugish and Germproof is what i got hit me up :) aim is Sneakzyy
  11. Gamertags

    hey i have the tags Thugish, and Germproof if your interested :) my aim is Sneakzyy
  12. Looking to buy semi-OG [$30 Limit]

    Hey monster i have the tags Thugish Germproof Dustproof Oilproof Miss 4 Chin- just a unique name (misfortune) :) Let me know if interested my aim is Sneakzyy
  13. Alligator for sale

    idk why you guys keep letting him make new accs. hes just gonna try to keep riping people off :/
  14. BUYING GAMERTAGS $20 OR 1600

    i have a spaced tag S ik if your interested
  15. I just got $50

    your not on aim so its kinda hard to talk to you ahahaa :)
  16. Selling a couple tags

  17. Selling a couple tags

    hit me up on aim we can talk more there Sneakzyy
  18. Selling a couple tags

    still trying to get these sold. help me out everyone :)
  19. Got 180 Cash

    i meant in the thread so far silly hahah ive had better than these too haha but sold them.
  20. Got 180 Cash

    probably better than what youve gotten but js ahaha aight let me know we can work out something nice :)