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  1. 2 letter OG Instagram

    Ok that is why I'm asking for a price range. They are all worth AROUND the same.
  2. 2 letter OG Instagram

    It's a real word. Most 2 letter OGs are worth around the same, so I'm just looking for a price range.
  3. Small Instagram and Kik Shop.

    Haha holy fuck man that was the most useful post I've seen all day!
  4. 2 letter OG Instagram

    How much would one of these go for? Yes it is 2 letters, yes it is a real word, no I will not tell you what it is. They should all be worth around the same so just give me a price range that you think I could sell it for. Only reason I'm posting this is because the market seems to have...
  5. 2 Character IG

    a random 2 letter isn't going to go for $70 unless you find a really desperate buyer
  6. 2 Character IG

    That's really all it's worth tbh. You might get $40 for it if you're lucky.
  7. Buying a Tag ($50)

    not even worth buying a tag if you only got $50. that will barely get you a 3 char.
  8. Spaced Tags HELP!

    Yes he can get it back and yes he probably will eventually. I wouldn't risk it.
  9. Close

    RE: Absolutely Awesome 3 letter (Non Og) I'll trade you my life for this tag hmu