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  1. Sick popular rapper gt

    Tag wad sold earlier please close this thanks! :)
  2. Sick popular rapper gt

    Why is that? Ricky is legit and its on a different account. I'm the only owner of the account its on. And a UA hasn't been opened on it since i have owned it.
  3. Sick popular rapper gt

    Oh sorry for the confusion but this is not a fucking appraisal. If anyone can get 175 amazon gift card this shit is yours
  4. Eric/Vegeta's Vouches

    One the people.i trust the most around here! Legit as fuk

    A lot of.people have huge lists of trials hope u find one
  6. Sick OG SM Bundle.

    RE: OG SM Bundle. Nice bundle here will help someone out!
  7. Kik's Shop

    Cool ass snapchat glws bro if i used snapchat.i wpuld buy
  8. Sick popular rapper gt

    You dont have it. Mike doesnt have it. I do. Im selling it, i know it's probably a tough concept for you but im trying to do business not fight with little kids on the web Why dont you go back to turboing tags you lame PoS
  9. Sick popular rapper gt

    By pull back do you mean turbo? You never owned mac miller little guy now go play with yourself. There are grown ups talking.
  10. Sick popular rapper gt

    @Dreams he most certainly does not buddy. I can add if you'd like.
  11. Sick popular rapper gt

    i bought this a few weeks ago man And @Loser i own this tag not someone else on the site. I can msg u if u want
  12. Sick popular rapper gt

    Easy Mac with the cheesy raps. Sellin this kool tag Starts with M M** M***** Bin at .. Offer Pp from those hella trusted guys BTC or amazon from the rest of u