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  1. Punisher

    WTB Twitter 1.5k budget

    Unrelated but yeh. Won't let me PM you again BTC address; 199GXkaWxUqjQjxYnhaN2APkcAi53P29Lb Send whenever you swapped the account or whatever you're doing.
  2. Punisher

    Sik Kiks

    Yo it won't let me PM you for some reason, my inbox isn't full either :/
  3. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    Probably not man sorry, thanks for the offer tho.
  4. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    Not sure I'd sell it, rather trade it man.
  5. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

  6. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    Okay then........... lmao :P
  7. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    I know it'd be easier but I haven't made an account since they permanently limited all of mine :/  99% of people only accept BTC for things anyway, so I'd have to get the PP money converted to BTC just to buy something too. If I could take PP I would but lmk if you can get BTC man
  8. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    Is it BTC? I can't use PayPal :/
  9. Punisher

    Pro era instagram

    Don't have any BTC atm tho, the only thing I could offer rn is the IG @Socket as a trade lmao. No chance of you taking the offer but worth a try :/
  10. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    Maybe man, how much are you offering?
  11. Punisher

    Pro era instagram

    Holy fuck I need this. How much are you looking at for this?
  12. Punisher

    Instagram for Instagram.

    Have @So*ket looking to trade for something new. Also got the Snapchat "Law" but would only trade for another sick SC.
  13. Punisher

    2 IGs

    I would if I had it but I only have $70 now since BTC started to drop :/
  14. Punisher

    2 IGs

    BTC, just because I'm a newfag doesn't mean I'm a complete moron.
  15. Punisher

    2 IGs

    I'll offer $70 on the second one.
  16. Punisher

    Nice IG (Kind of Smokerish)

    I'll bid $35 BTC for this, thanks.
  17. Punisher

    Trading Semi OG Handle (IG)

    You have so many threads on this IG lmao, good luck
  18. Punisher

    [W] OG IG [H] $80 BTC

    Looking for an OG instagram as the title states. Looking to spend $80 BTC at the most so obviously not looking for something amazing, I'd also prefer it to not have been sold multiple times etc. Post or preferably PM me with what you have :)
  19. Punisher

    Decent Semi-OG Twitter.

    Yeah somebody buy this, then go buy his instagram.
  20. Punisher

    Decent Semi-OG Twitter.

    Yeah that's how I'm selling it, I wouldn't change it onto a fresh anyway.