Search results

  1. Selling a Gamebattles Account

    This still open? I have an offer to make.
  2. Looking for a decent rank account under 30k read

    I tried pming you but i dont have enought posts lol. What do you have in mind Apache? [hr] and no ghost rank, clean slate completey.
  3. Looking for a decent rank account under 30k read

    bump i want to get rid of this account will aceept anything under 50k
  4. Looking for a decent rank account under 30k read

    I have a semi original GT with a lot of extras Im willing to trade. The accounts gamertag is Shaakur. It has 12k+ gamerscore, Pretty much maxed out on all CODs: Cod 4- 55 10th prestige with all unlocked, Cod WaW- 65 10th Prestige all unlocked, MW2-70 9th all unlocked MW3-70 with all...