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  1. Kik appraisal

    The max I would pay for this is $15 but gl
  2. IG appraisal

    I would say around $45-$70 good luck though
  3. IG appraisal

    I would say $15-$20 on a good day. But GL
  4. Need IG Aprraisal!

    I would say more then $100 for sure. This is nice af
  5. IG Appraisal.

    This is mad aids! but It is worth around $20
  6. Nice IG

    You could get $40 at the most out of this. It is clean though.
  7. kik : huge?

    That kik isn't worth $200! The most is about $55
  8. ig

    I would say around $25 at the least. but gl
  9. Twitter Appraisal

    I would say $20 at the most. Depending on the buyer
  10. Kiks

    I dont see you getting nothing for these. But gl