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  1. OG Snapchat: Karma

    Dude hmu on kik : microwavingest ill bin this sexiness
  2. Hey, I'm Lethal/Ashley!

    Glws op this site is lovely i luv it here and everyone loves me too
  3. Nice 5 Letter IG

    may god be with ur souls pls pls glws Pls no call me name pls
  4. l33t h3x

    bro i sware @rude is here on my proflie leet hAxzn meH check ip He is biG MuLti ban him now pls pls mods pls glws ly
  5. Few Kiks.

    LOL, but how did i steal these? Weres proofz, got these from a offsite friend ...... still lookin for appraisals hmu bbys pls glws [hr] Hmu bbys ignore racial comments i am not black
  6. l33t h3x

    so today i was l33th3xeD by none other than the infamouS hAkr @rude himself pls help i cant go on Mods pls help. . pls glws .
  7. Selling KIK OGS

    selling kik ogs glws mate best kiks ive seen in history glws bby
  8. Few Kiks.

    @pan i gottaa cure for u bbyckesslide in my pmz diddly ;)
  9. Nice 5 Letter IG

    if this ig is "cause" thats really cool og sir, glws amd hope u prpsper
  10. Few Kiks.

    How were they stoled if i obtained them legitly? Lol u kids make 0 sense............. Still looking for appraisals bbys hmu
  11. Scammed once again.

    U always use MM all people on fk will scam and exit one day pls luv me
  12. Few Kiks.

    Lmao. Why so much hurt bootys here? I clearly said in OP these were given to me unless you all cannot read. Thanks @SOS only person who replied to this thread correctly
  13. Few Kiks.

    A friend just gave me a handful kiks that he said he did not want/use. Just wondering if any have value. joyful Assort laughing Jameson Nolan Angus