Search results

  1. Traffic

    Need to find a Bulk KV seller

    So i figured that if this is the Modding section, there's gotta be someone that can sell me KV's in bulk. HMU if you can. -Traffic (Max)
  2. Traffic

    WTB 2 character KIK

    hit up lies, im not sure but he has gamertags so he might have kik's
  3. Traffic

    In search for unshared KV's

    That would be very helpful if you could give me his contact info. Thanks bae
  4. Traffic

    In search for unshared KV's

    Im looking for unshared KV's. If you have any KV's for sale or you know a supplier, I will play market price. Please know that i do require proof for the ownership of unshared KV's. PM me if you have a contact, or even if you are the contact. I will talk to you on twitter. -Traffic (Max)