Search results

  1. 250$ BTC

    i have a few Gts in this price range. feek free to hmu
  2. Selling 3 nice GTs.

    ill buy teletubbie, pm me please. thanks.
  3. need an ig

    Chad!!! hmu on aim babes, u know who dis is :D
  4. sold

    RE: selling cheap gamername honestly, not a bad semi for someone new to OGs.
  5. Who owns?

    Ah, Klaypex owned this, now apparently this guy above me owns it. Klay was a scammer tho.
  6. Short Tag

    taking trades for this? i used to own this long time ago.
  7. 2 Dank OG kik's [Hasn't had many owners!]

    Pull has had quite a few owners actually, just to make that known.
  8. IP Banned from XBOX? LOL

    This happened to me when i bought "Sketch" a while back.
  9. Looking for a 3 letter or OG tag.... Also who owns this

    i got a few 3 letters i can sell, hmu
  10. All my best tags.

    selling all my best tags. not showing you my tags if you dont have at least 300 to show me up front.