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  1. User don't want t out der

    User don't want any one to know User don't want any one to know
  2. 9 tenure Gt

    So it's your friends account and yours? That makes sense
  3. Trading/buying a nice OG

    Can you on me the OG tag please I may be interested. Thanks
  4. Best GT on FK and an AMAZING ALIAS

    Good luck with sales, this is a lot of money for a tag though:P
  5. TOP OG Trades & Sales!

    RE: The Names Do Not Define You Sale! I will bid 50$ on Kik: Plane* Please :)
  6. 1month of xbox live For a OG Gamertag

    I have Microwavengilysed for trade it's appraised around 450$ + on here. Lmk very interested