yes obviously if you live their, but just cause they speak the same language doesn't mean its the same method. try it yourself. but i get what your saying.
barely or not, still foreign correct? lol still gotta waste skype credit. and its a different method btw bro. and @Today my bad i thought you were someone else then glws
stfu lol takes 2minutes litterally to put on a console do what i asked and take a pic. but you refuse you dmb stupid bitch. lol dont reply to me like you said fucking loser xD
bruh take the L. lmao you scamming dumb fuck. -80 rep chill your not selling nothing. they not gonna do shit. cause im asking for the proof i specifically asked for and your not providing. so stfu and stop replying. or we can go at it all night your choice xD
still havent provided what i asked for you pathetic worthless piece of shit. retarded special ed dumb cunt. its a a link. you can edit pic on computer. you scamming loser. kyfs
huh? thats edited or nAWWWWWW? i still see no about me or nothing i asked. take a pic you signed on the acc ps4/ps3 and comment or about me as FK RnB or something
you gonna keep arguing or show us proof retard. lol dont change the subject stupid bitch
all talk and no show. scammer or no NAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW? lmfao
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