Search results

  1. Changed username from @Satan to @Shade ??????????? what isn't there to understand
  2. Changed username from @Satan to @Shade

  3. VOT.PW | Tools to make your life, easier.

    sounds like there was some rustling going on behind the scenes
  4. | Custom userbars | Friendly staff | Active

    sparkks doesn't use fk? Who is @Sparkks then u fucking retard
  5. | Custom userbars | Friendly staff | Active

    Rules 1. No adult websites allowed, 2. No hacking websites allowed, 3. No competing Forums allowed. 4. No posting other peoples websites. 5. Only one thread per website is allowed. You aren't even an admin on the site? lol?
  6. BTC and Satoshi

    lost $300 playing 5x, $100 each time. fuck this game lol i saved one of my games from the other day:
  7. kik : pursuing ?

    try to sell it to wifi lmfao he owns to anyone else its prob worthless
  8. Selling the kik "Drought"

    i read this as Selling the kik "Dogshit" at first

    stop posting for banned members they are banned for a reason
  10. Goodbye Guys

    bro he makes these threads every 6 months lol heres 2 of them, dont feel like going back further to find more (laughed at this one pretty hard)
  11. VERY extensive wordlist

    All 4 letter words All 5 letter words All 6 letter words All 3 character and 3 letter combinations You can generate in 5 seconds with crunch, idk about the rest, don't know why it took you an hour to find this.
  12. Twitters

    delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete
  13. Anyone here from Texas?

    only two things come from texas, steers and queers
  14. del

    RE: OG Twitter top offer so far: $75 by @Restart
  15. del

    RE: OG Twitter how am i a "gay joke" ? please let me know and nobody is holding a gun to your head forcing you to buy it lol
  16. del

    just gonna list it on hf i guess del
  17. og twit

    @p*ll the opposite of push getting this appraised for my friend @bethesda thanks!
  18. Twitter

    nice @ man hope it sells well for you
  19. OG Twitter

    bump for my friend get this sold :):):)
  20. OG Twitter

    Nice twitter homie :) :D was looking at this