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  1. Price limit 25$

    I like the GT pressing add me on Xbox gt is Anxiety DcN
  2. Price limit 25$

    I need a decent oG gamertag hmu on Xbox Gt is Anxiety DcN I have some decent oGs my self Willing to trade
  3. All of them for just 1600

    For 1600 Microsoft points I'd give u the gamertags: lnFeRnOs Magnifically Abusingly Tourqe Bow (Gow 3 account) Freezingly lnfactor
  4. LOOK I Have some pretty Legit GT's

    With a L but it still looks pretty legit that's why I'm willing to give em All away for a decent one [hr] So any offers for a trade
  5. LOOK I Have some pretty Legit GT's

    I have the Gamertags lnFeRnOs-Abusingly-lnfactor-Magnifically-Tourqe Bow- and lmaginates please I'm tryna trade I'll give them all away for one decent and or above average tag Proof Please like the vid I posted on YouTube because I'm tryna get...