Search results

  1. Selling OG Gamertag

    The tag is 9 letters long, only has my console on it, pm me for more details. [hr] Looking to get this sold soon, willing to let this go relatively cheap. [hr] Middleman will be used.
  2. Chill's Vouch Page

    Vouch, Just mmd a deal for @Boondocks and I.
  3. (Want) Spaced two character

    I think you misread the part about what I have.
  4. (Want) Spaced two character

    I have three gamertags that I can trade for it (An og a 3 letter and a semi), Your gamertag must have only your console or secured for over 6 months. Will also trade for a nice OG tag it has to be on a fresh silver if possible. Thanks.
  5. iTunes cards anyone?

    Ive got a canadian $25 card lmk if interested.
  6. [WANT] Kiks, Snapchats, twitters and instagram

    Pm me, I have a nice OG kik for you.
  7. WTB OG GamerTag

    Pm me I have an og tag in your price range with only my console.
  8. WTB OG GT.

    Ive got an OG tag you may or may not be interested in, Hmu.
  9. Who Owns

    Thanks man, ill hit him up once I reach 10 posts.
  10. Who Owns

    Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed
  11. Looking for a Main Account

    Ive got a nice account with lots of cod stats pm me for some info on it.
  12. Looking for a clean semi.

    Pm me when you get a chance I have something you may like.
  13. Gamertag

    Damn dope tag, Good luck with sales.
  14. Sold

    RE: Selling 2 OG Gamertags Could you pm me the remaining tag please.
  15. Two 3 Letters - Fresh Silvers - $80 each

    RE: two 3 letter tags Would you mind pming me the tags? Im interested.