Search results

  1. Kolby

    Swap GT to Main

    I wouldn't swap for about a year. Other than that just play on it until you get bored of the name.
  2. Kolby

    Selling/Trading 3 Char GT

    Can you PM? Looking into a 3 character.
  3. Kolby

    Selling 2 nice vulgar gamertags

    I wouldn't mind looking into one of these, PM me and I'll return a message after I get 10 posts please.
  4. Kolby


    RE: Very sick 3 letter tag This seems like an extremely nice 3 letter, glws m8 hopefully it sells soon.
  5. Kolby


    I will use whatever you desire, could easily get the funds. Just getting bored of being roasted about my tag because it's plural. Some people have no chill in the community and I'm just looking for a nice semi or something. Willing to go over $100-200 just stated I don't wanna go over that. [hr]...
  6. Kolby


    Hey I'm looking for a decent started tag, not really ready to blow a few $100's though. So if anyone has a nice starter tag kik me @KNLVES I can't pm anyone ATM because I don't have 10 posts just yet.
  7. Kolby

    Price Check?

    Okay thanks, you're good people for not flaming me. Hagd.
  8. Kolby


    I would trade for a decent plural GT if interested, can't PM you though sadly due to me not having 10 posts
  9. Kolby

    OG Snapchat for trade

    I honestly would be interested in a trade for a decent plural. But sadly I can't PM you due to me never posting threads.
  10. Kolby

    Price Check?

    So I recently copped this gamertag and I've been wanting to ask how much it would be valued at? Couldn't actually post this due to me forgetting my FK email and pass. But the GT is "Manb*ns"  Hint : New mainstream hairstyle.  Also looking into a trade if interested, since I don't have 10...