Search results

  1. Trading 85 pally for rs account

    title says it all, my aim is ashokarao95.. the pally is i370 and has vanity, looking at all offers.
  2. Selling OG 3 letter GT- Look!

    LOL I got scammed by a guy on aim called stoner... dont have the GT anymore, thats a bummer
  3. Selling OG 3 letter GT- Look!

    just GT- no stats no games
  4. Selling OG 3 letter GT- Look!

    Hey guys Ash here, Today I Have for sale the gamertag "Pus", not only is this super rare since it is a three letter gamertag, but the gamertag actually is a word!! I recently obtained the gamertag from the site, but for personal reasons, I am re-selling it. Msg me on here or on aim...
  5. lvl 96 with 3 99's for SALE MSP only

    post, hit me up on aim- Ashokarao95
  6. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Not at the moment, unless what you have is really insane.
  7. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    im sure you could, good for you cupcake!!!! Spamming posts is my hobby also
  8. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Well for starters, I don't shut up, so no use telling me to. In addition to that, are you mad because what I said is true? 347 posts in 1 month, g4u.
  9. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Hey Jon, even though I've been here for 2 hours, I can already deduce that you post random sh*t to raise your post count, am I correct?
  10. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Bought Pus :) Thanks Philly. it goes without saying that he was legit :D
  11. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Pmed u. Hope to get it for 75
  12. ForumKorner UnOfficial Private Server

    looks legit, good job, this stuff is hard to make
  13. Call of Duty Who wants to play MW3?

    add me- AshRao- MW3 is a great game
  14. Selling Gamertags [OG & Semi]

    post- aim me-- lol Alliance and Variety are freakin' sexy!
  15. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Thanks philly, I really like pus
  16. No shave November?

    indeed, idk, its getting itchy!!
  17. Ash

    herro my name's Ash, im a new member. Some stuff about me: Im nationally ranked in tennis, im a avid Gamer, I have made over $2000 in virtual trading and im highly repped on MMOBAY. :)
  18. No shave November?

    lol I go to a private school where you have to shave, but so far ive avoided shaving, another 2 weeks!
  19. Sick OG gamertag

    He does have aim-- thats how I know Philly...[hr] but yeah, since im a uber new member, I can't even PM yet.
  20. Buying a Real oG GT- 100$ Limit

    Hey guys, the title says it all, while I am a new member here, I am a 100+ repped member on MMOBay so needless to say, scammers stay away. I'm willing to spend up to 100$ for a real OG GT, something that I will like. Thanks, AIM= Ashokarao95