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  1. CloseeeeClose

    RE: Dank IG I've gotten it appraised more by other people but it's just a sick weapon and shit but thanks for your opinion. @Rexy
  2. need ig @ appraised

    I think 1 bill or anywhere from 80-100 it's nice
  3. CloseeeeClose

    close don't need this up anymore..
  4. Emails!!!

    I'm selling all three emails for 10 PayPal. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
  5. GT R*bbing

    r*bbing hasn't owned that tag for years I had it about 6months ago. And he told me he probably won't get rid of it.
  6. 2 twitters

    I'm going to pm you about the first one I really like it.
  7. Shop

    I did don't worry I got it but thanks though :) @agony
  8. Shop

    Pretty much looking for a nice kik for all this or I may do a individual trade if I like the deal will use @Zeus as mm if needed. IG- Suction Equals Darkened Insincere Overrule Vibrated Backstabbed Email- [email protected] [email protected]
  9. Pretty Racist Instagram

    I gave this away. A long time ago for free but anyways GLWS.
  10. Selling bo2 Gt

    Can you pm me the tag thank you.
  11. Looking for tag

    Title says it all GT around 80-120 range if anyone has anything I'll buy it with AGC
  12. decent kik shop

    I'd buy impacted and 1880 how much AGC for both?
  13. Basketball IG

    Don't really know what this means in basketball since I don't play but GLWS
  14. 3 Letter Tag

    This is a cool tag tbh GLWS :)!!!!!!!!!
  15. Christy's Shop - Instagrams, Twitters, Emails and Kiks

    Very nice shop these will go fast GLWS :) !!!!