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  1. Selling 7 Gamertags

    RE: Selling 6 Gamertags You guys are dicks lol.. I think you have these tags priced a little high.
  2. GT - Biblical

    To the people who have pm'd me, I can not reply as I do not have 25 posts so message me on xbox. THANKS.
  3. Tag I g n i t e for MS points

    RE: AGAIN Tag- B r e a t h & others Screech is such a sick tag and breath would be amazing if it weren't spaced. GLWS

    RE: Gamertag: Foe Lol, I think that is irrelevant. GLWS OP
  5. GT - Biblical

    might be interested in trading for a nice gb account also..
  6. GT - Biblical

    Umm.. i'm not really in a hurry to sell so I'd kind of like to wait until I get a little more interest in the tag. I appreciate the interest though and will keep you in mind. :) I've had this tag since the reset xbox did and it's my main so i'd like to get another nice tag.
  7. GT - Biblical

    Honestly I have no idea, lol. I used the GPI program. [hr] How would I get a better/ more clear image?
  8. GT - Biblical

    Looking to possibly trade for another nice tag... [/img]
  9. RiP GT: Hell

    Can you chill?
  10. RiP GT: Hell

    Actually a female owned that tag.. not that it matters.
  11. gt appraisal - Biblical

    For me the image sometimes appears small and sometimes not lol.. just right click, open in new tab if you have problems.
  12. gt appraisal - Biblical

    updated with proof because why not :P
  13. gt appraisal - Biblical

    I would bother to post proof if I were selling but i'm just asking for opinions.. you can add me though if you want..
  14. gt appraisal - Biblical

    I have the gamertag Biblical, it is my main account and I'm kind of "bored" with it, I guess, might being looking to trade also..
  15. Gt appraisal

    Anyone else have any opinions?
  16. Gt appraisal

    I already posted this in the appraisal section but i'm not sure that section is very active right now.. the gamertag is Biblical. Thanks.
  17. Callenge Lobby Mw2 Spots

    Well, poop. Lol Is he one of only a few that can host?
  18. Gt - Biblical

    Thanks for the offer but, no thanks. [hr] You guys must not think too much of my tag :P
  19. Gt - Biblical

    I've had this as my main for like a year, kind of bored with it.. let me know what you think, thanks.