Search results

  1. Bo3 acc giveaway

    Sorry for the wait guys, Fk was down for me Winner is @harmony
  2. Bo3 acc giveaway

    Giving away an acc with bo3 for 360 Post below as many times as you want as long as it follows the fk rules. Winner will be chosen tomorrow around 5:00PM EST Good luck
  3. selling a OG kik for $20

    He blindfolds women when he has sexual intercourse with them.
  4. xbox tenure issues

    Kill yourself and it may be fixed in the afterlife. Seriously though, hope you fix the issue.
  5. Semi-OG Snapchat

    @235 may be interested in this. Idk glws
  6. Buying black ops 3 gameshare

    Just saying, you may want to drop a console for those who may be able to do it.