I am looking to trade a few items that i no longer want
Kik stuntin 1 owner (i cracked)
kik rapper 3 owners including myself
@bl**m owners unknown
message me on rapper if youd like to deal then we can pm onsite to deal
i would like @bl**m appraised
the kik stuntin appraised
and kik rapper appraised
by the way stuntin is a fresh crack i am the only owner
(please only reply if you know what youre talking about thanks)
300 likes for 4.5k isnt crazy active but keeping a funny video page active isnt easy by any means, id say $100-150 for it as is but get it to like 10k and the value will shoot up a bit
RE: rapper stat IG
id say the @ could go from $40-100 depending on how much of a fan they are and the account could go for $200 but id be sure to make it known that its not the real asap rocky because that can get you banned