Search results

  1. Buying Twitter/IGs. SEMI OR OG

    I'm buying Twitter or IG..Message me on Kik:JordanExa
  2. Looking For OG Gts

    Yo what tag you got?I'll probably buy
  3. 3 Letter Gamertag [has meaning]

    I can't pm xD no posts.Thats why I use kik or we can talk here I guess
  4. Looking For OG Gts

    Im looking for an OG gt..Budget=$150..Will Use MM.Kik:tymlesj for more info
  5. close

    RE: buying 3 character/3 letter $20 Im selling a couple kik me Tymlesj
  6. Looking For OG Tags

    Willing To Spend up to 125 on An OG tag..Msg me on kik:Tymlesj or comment below and state what Og you have
  7. Buying OG/WORD GT

    Ik im saying something like tht
  8. Buying OG/WORD GT

    I have a 150 budget and i can pay in whatever besides PP [hr] Need to buy Gt fast..kik tymlesj
  9. Buying OG/WORD GT

    Im Buying A word Gt like fire or something or any OG gt..For More Info Kik:Tymlesj or Skype:Tymlesb
  10. 1 letter

    Yo still got Gt?Add me on kik tymlesj
  11. 5 letter

    Still got Acc?kik me Tymlesj or Skype tymlesb
  12. Marvel Tag

    Yo you still selling?kik me Tymlesj or Skype is tymlesb
  13. Looking For A Good Priced Name or Word GT

    I'm looking for a reasonable price for a male name or a word..No budget.willing to pay whatever if I like the tag..Hmu on Kik:Tymlesj
  14. 3 Letter Gamertag [has meaning]

    Still selling?if so kik me tymlesj
  15. Selling Gamertag

    Still selling?kik me tymlesj
  16. Clean 3 Letter Gamertag

    Still selling?if so kik me tymlesj
  17. Nice Gamertag

    Still selling?kik me tymlesj
  18. (SpongeBob Gamertag)

    Do u have kik?If so Add me Tymlesj and we can deal