Search results

  1. Selling Main Account

    I'm selling my main account Massive Cougar It had around 9,300 gamerscore. It has Minecraft, Fortresscraft, a bunch of Indie games, From Dust, and Ms. Pacman. Game Stats Halo 3: High level Pretty good stats All map packs Halo Reach: High level Decent stats COD 4: Max level...
  2. How much is YOUR Steam account worth?

    Result Account Information Username: Kevin CommunityID: 76561198064398584 Custom URL: copley SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52066428 Status: Online Steam member since: 2012-05-28 Found 1 Games with a value of $19.99 USD
  3. Call of Duty What Skill Level are you?

    I'd say I'm maybe a Medium+ to High. I probably used to be high but now I don't know. My aim is kinda off because I haven't played Xbox in 3-4 months :/
  4. Call of Duty Who is a Mw2 oG

    Oh I had MW2 since the release and I still play it :D I love the sniping on MW2 but I hate the stuff such as grenade launchers...
  5. Minecraft 1.3

    Xp through mining ores? Oh no more power to xrayers :/ Still a cool update though :D
  6. OfficialMinecraft ||24/7||SMP||Factions||1.2.4||PvP||

    You got some nice builds there! I might join your server soon to see them up close :)
  7. What is a good website to buy a modded custom painted Xbox 360 controller?

    If you want a custom controller, try to talk to a person that makes them instead of a website. Websites usually sell them at higher prices so it'd be cheaper to contact an individual that makes them himself.
  8. What was the one gamertag you wanted?

    I want the gamertag Kevin, Irritable, or Pyro. I want the gamertag Kevin because it's my name, I want Irritable because I can be irritable on COD when there are corner campers, and I want Pyro because I like fire :D The cool thing is I found the people that have the gamertags Irritable and...
  9. Hey I'm Kevin!

    Hey I'm Kevin and as you can tell my real life name is Kevin. My soon to be Xbox gamertag will be either Irritable or Pyromaniac. I usually play COD, Battlefield, FIFA, and Minecraft. I switch on and off between PC and Xbox. Another thing about me is I can do graphics :D