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    Good luck with sales, I hope you get the best deal possible.
  2. Spaced GT: S A O S I N

    I've never been too keen on buying spaced gamertags, GLWS though!
  3. Semi-OG : Particles

    Gnarly tag bro, I'm interested. Do you have Aim/Skype?
  4. Original GT or Skype.

    It's hard to find an OG gamertag these days. A $20 iTunes card isn't much but I hope you find what you're looking for my friend!
  5. Groomers' GT Shop

    Hexagonals is a pretty neat tag, do you have any proof that you are the owner of this tag?
  6. spending up to $1000 on a tag.

    It's hard to find any real OG tags these days, hopefully you find what you are looking for. I myself haven't been so fortunate.
  7. The GT: Denigrating | Cheap

    Denigrating, does it have a meaning?
  8. selling 2 letter gt make an offer

    That's an awesome GT! It's hard to find a 2 letter, unspaced these days! GLWS man!
  9. Account With MW2 On Games On Demand + More

    You have some pretty beast stats there my friend, GLWS!
  10. Buying a tag LR

    Good luck finding a tag, I have been searching for a while myself now but it's hard to find a decent OG these days...
  11. Selling or Trading GT: Constructors and.....

    Constructors is a sweet semi! GLWS!
  12. Looking for GT "Chazzy" or "Chazzzy"

    'Chazzy' is a v1 so you'll have to wait until it gets reset pal!
  13. /Selling "Closet Space"

    This is a pretty nice semi, GLWS.