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  1. TraMa's Gt Shop

    thanks mann
  2. TraMa's Gt Shop

    K guys first off i know these arnt amazing or anything no hate im just a new member and i want to get into OG's so ya and im also saving up and selling so i can purchase better GT's but anyways heres what i got..... Compactivity Proof:
  3. Need cheap 1400 msp (Canada)

    Add me On skype my friend has one for cheap my skype is keenans98 i will give you his contact if you dont have skype tell me Your aim
  4. Minecraft Tags

    yo im interested in these add me on skype its keenans98 or whats ur aim or what cuz i really want!
  5. GT: Scooters (Sold)

    RE: GT: Scooters omg i so would buy this but i dont got that much :(
  6. 4 Letter Gamertag (VMDK)

    pretty nice braahhhh GLWS...
  7. two 4 letters.

    are you trading i got Zlaq O_o
  8. Killfeed Tags :)

    only 4 letter one i got is Zlaq its kinda cool and could be a sick name and it has 10th lvl 70 on mw2 btw
  9. I've got $8, throw out some tags.

    i could sell you Compactivity
  10. Interested?

    i added you
  11. Any tags having to do with these things?

    ok i understand im new but how much u think i can sell it for... 5?
  12. Any tags having to do with these things?

    what about Bases Empty as in no runners on any bases
  13. Interested?

    whats is your skype/aim? i might have
  14. Any GT's I can get for $50 - 80?

    i am a editor to infact im in TraMa ranked like 5th on ps3...
  15. Any GT's I can get for $50 - 80?

    its called that but idk you may not know but the real name for it is LooksBuilder and thats what its registered under O_o
  16. Any GT's I can get for $50 - 80?

    i know these gts arnt worth that much and im not asking alot but do any of these interest you? Gyazo Link Shovelful Local Clinic Zlaq Compactivity LooksBuilder (Most Famous Colour Correction Program) what do you think brahh?
  17. GT: Zlaq

    Whats up guys im selling my 4 letter gt i thinks its pretty cool hmu with offers proof:
  18. Selling Litterbug cheap

    i would buy but i want proof