Search results

  1. Buying 48hrs

    will buy for the gt Maroonish, Weimeriners(the dog), or Carmen Lopez [hr] and i have aoxd if your intrested
  2. Carman Lopez and maroonish:D

    need appraisls for these and also willing to sell:p
  3. Sellin/trading gt Carman Lopez

    selling/trading this gt! reply/pm me with offers
  4. a lot.

    vouch for him:3 sold me Scotties
  5. Trading for a 3 letter gt

    Trading for a 3 letter,any.. My gt=Maroonish, for trade *Proof*
  6. Selling/trading Maroonish

    yeah that is fine who though
  7. Selling/trading Maroonish

    ok ill try next time thanks for advixe!
  8. Selling/trading Maroonish

    Would rather trade but will take msp will not go first! *Proof*<img src="" alt="maroon.jpg"/>
  9. Selling gt/trading Maroonish Proof i own will add if needed am trading/selling
  10. *free 10th derank or challange lobby*

    in mw2 just sub to and msg Scotties saying you did!
  11. Jinxs gfxs shop*open* FREE! Proffesional!

    sorry dont have any work to to website! just sub to and do not send a message to him hes my friend i am doing it! just reply with what you want! Forum: Text 1/color: Text 2/color: Color of bg: Avatar/bg/sig: skype:
  12. looking to buy 3 letter/character gt

    i like N P A how much?? jw am intrested
  13. Looking for a tag !

    GRFXs its semi some people said they love it who make grfxs!
  14. Eat's Gamertag Shop! (Updated)

    RE: Eat's Gamertag Shop! is GRFXs and good gt?/???????
  15. looking to buy 3 letter/character gt

    can be random if you have one i would like a vouch a proof you have one will settle on a fair price!!!:)
  16. selling 5 short gamertags.

    ill buy scottie+ bg for 1600 u intrested???
  17. Tradding accs

    Trading accs Trixhs for almost anyhing if you want to trade i will post proof
  18. OG Gamertags?

    ill buy duplify if your up for a fair price
  19. looking to buy good GTs

    lol look@ post famous it says
  20. looking to buy good GTs

    For 1600 or 800 msp depending on name if you say o no you cant buy for that than GTFO my fourm!!