Search results

  1. Selling BEAST OG- NO low balling.

    you're about to get the same thing from "perfect" that i got. heads up.
  2. Selling BEAST OG- NO low balling.

    yeah how come?
  3. Selling BEAST OG- NO low balling.

    how come when i make a troll thread you guys take it so seriously.
  4. PP4 for a Semi

    Im sorry but who would trade a three character for a five character? lol
  5. Selling some awesome GT

    Pretty bad one then
  6. Selling some awesome GT

    145$ are you fucking high?? The tag isn't even OG you could ask for WAY less than that..
  7. 3 Semi-OG Gamertags | 1 OG Tag |CHEAP

    Dude those aren't even semi OG what are you doing lol... Also it's spelled foreseen not forseen So you have 3 random gamertags and one wrong spelled gamertag.
  8. Two GT's

    That tag exhaL really appeals to me. Is there any definition behind it or what?
  9. GT Vesticulate

    15$ is too much for a tag that doesnt have a meaning
  10. GT "Nov 13 2012" Release date of Black Ops 2

    50$?!?!?!? or did you mean to put " .50" on purpose?
  11. Wanting a good tag for 1600msp

    You won't be able to get an OG for 1600 points.. Maybe a semi..
  12. How much would you pay?

    This is an insane tag! GLWS if you decide to!
  13. Selling These Ugly Silver Tags (:

    Has anyone mentioned yet that these tags aren't good?
  14. Unique GamerTags

    RE: OG GamerTags These aren't even semi og.
  15. Selling the GT Gullible for 4$

    I thought the first poster wouldve caught me lol! But they really thought I would sell an og like that for only 4 dollars! ohh the irony... Sorry for this thread I just had to do it for my first one!
  16. Selling the GT Gullible for 4$

    I'll get right to that
  17. Selling the GT Gullible for 4$

    HMU if interested in buying this tag....
  18. Selling Or Trading GT: BF4 Beta

    meh, 11 playstation points?
  19. 2 letter/2character gamertag

    Best thread I have read through all week.
  20. Semi oG's

    Well whatever you think of them you do have to know they ARE NOT even semi og. A one-worded gamertag with a prefix or suffix is a semi og. These tags are two words that have small relation to each other. GLWS still.