Search results

  1. Who has the tag k c?

    Kayden chan, sir, but nice guess :p Arghhghgghgh will eat metal if someone tells me
  2. Who has the tag k c?

    Lol, naw theyre my initials :)) Also, anyone knowww?
  3. Who has the tag k c?

    anyone know the owner and if hes selling?
  4. Gamertag: azn

    Looking for the gamertag azn or azns hmu and ill pay
  5. Zyui & bosial

    Sorry lol, just my harsh two cents. Didnt mean offence
  6. Zyui & bosial

    Yeah, they dont mean shit.. so they're worth shit.
  7. ''Dubstep''

    Kay, thnaks. mod can lock thiisss
  8. ''Dubstep''

    Hey y'all. New here and all, and I know these tthreads are annoying buttpains. But anyone know who has the GT: Dubstep? ty
  9. Nauseous

    Very nice tag, not my taste though :p glws
  10. Looking for a sexy OG for my sexy self~~

    @Got Milk? Naw, too much hassle for my liking.. Gonna be dealing w/ vouched users anyhow. +pm her name plz <3 @Kev Nice tags, not my cup of tea though. Glws!

    RE: A nice Gt Would've hyu, but I cba w/ the whole msp name change thing.. GLWS nonetheless.
  12. Looking for a sexy OG for my sexy self~~

    Hey y'all. First post and all, so I'll understand the whole sketchyness. My budget is around $100. For this reason I shall be going first. Kaythanks.