Search results

  1. My first word.

    Cannabis Because I like to smoke :)
  2. This makes me sad.

    why is this a thread? I agree The red hair made her who she is & it is sexy... But making a thread for it? Not to sure about that one.
  3. Im backkkkk! (:

    Even though I do not know you, Welcome back ! :D
  4. Cut my finger off

    Well.. You're a doctor ;) Can you fix it?
  5. Call of Duty Should I or Not?

    Hi Guys ! So I am deciding wether or not to buy Black Ops 2 because of all the feedback I have heard about it.. So do you guys think it is worth it?? If you could post some real pictures of you playing it or something that would be so awesome ! Thank You ! :)
  6. Back & Better Then Ever ! :D

    Yes, but I have changed and Now I am ready to become a more HQ member and more loyal .. :)
  7. Back & Better Then Ever ! :D

    RE: I'm Back & A Fresh Start ! I plan on upgrading once I get bank shit figured out ! & I will certainly change my name :), But for now I will be focusing on posting, becoming more loyal & try to get into some groups :D
  8. Back & Better Then Ever ! :D

    Hey Guys, So I am ROFL1, this is my original account & I am ready to start over and become that loyal & dedicated member I promised to be on my apology post ! I hope you all can accept me back and I will never break a rule again & will also try and become a role model member ! :D...
  9. Need a Logo For My Site..

    okay man thanks ! :DD!! Why aren't you more active on the site? :(
  10. Need a Logo For My Site..

    Header Explains it all ! Text; Tech Head Forums Background; Transparent Text Color; White & Black Font; Vermin Vibes Redux Extra; Maybe a xbox controller or xbox logo? or if not nothing is fine :)
  11. Cheap & Amazing Webhosting !

    GO TO: There you will find cheap web-hosting with an amazing staff and affordable prices ! So Sign up if your looking to start your own website ! They owner is a close friend and very nice ! Also they have the latest forums ! sign up for forums at...
  12. TechHeadForums |

    those are the basic forums needed for a forum like that...
  13. Need a Avatar & SIg

    Need a avatar and signature saying; iNinjaz Maybe animated if you can like a scanline or if not just really plain and HD, uhmm colors Black and Pink :) Maybe a little lines somewhere in the pic and siggy ! Thanks !