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  1. GT: Ingots

    Ill bid 25 since its silver
  2. GT:Deposits

    if i had the money i would give you 40 because i know you're legit but glws
  3. Junior's GT Shop

    I would like to buy the tag Rapevans but what are the stats for cod mostly mw2
  4. Roommate

    how much for it and what are the stats for cod mainly mw2?
  5. Trading/Selling

    how much? i would like that but i don't want to pay too much for it
  6. Buying OG Tags

    Looking for some nice semi OGs if not OGs in a good price range preferably under $40
  7. Close me

    RE: Gamertag Shop 1$ each how much is it for Semens and what does it have on it?