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  1. Will trade 3 month code for a good ttg.

    I pm'd you.
  2. Will trade 3 month code for a good ttg.

    Ill trade a 3 month code or a premium minecraft account. It at least has to have a og name and 20+ rep. Just post below or pm me if you have one.
  3. WTB good ttg account.

    I added you on aim......
  4. Minecraft Account

    I have one. Just message me on Aim..
  5. WTB good ttg account.

    I want to buy a good ttg account that has 50+ rep and 1k+ posts. With atleast 1 warning. Ill trade The gt phagits the yt phagits tumblr phagits and the twitter phagits. Or a minecraft premium account.just post below or hmu with a pm. [hr] Ill pay paypal..................................
  6. Sick tag

    I bought it from him yesterday. I bought the gt,twitter,yt,and tumblr.
  7. Sick tag

    It is all for 1600 or a good ttg account.
  8. Sick tag

    Im selling these things Gt-Phagits Yt-Phagits Tumblr-Phagit Twitter-Phagit Im trading those for 1600 msp. Only usa codes only. Or a good ttg account.
  9. Looking for a good ttg

    Can i have that ttg ill give you the tag Phagits [hr] Can i please have it???? 2525252525
  10. Looking for a good ttg

    Im looking for a good ttg account. It must have 50+ rep and 1k+ posts. Ill trade a premium minecraft account and the account Phagits.Just pm me if you have one.You must go first ill only go first with Philly Or Drake.
  11. TAG list (Trading)

    Hey Carnage pm me. Ill take Diagnosive. Just hmu with a pm.
  12. Trading minecraft premium account

    I know ill take a semi og if its a good one.
  13. Trading minecraft premium account

    Het im trading a minecraft premium account for a oG gamertag. The mine craft user nane is EastSideGecko. Just post below if you want to trade.
  14. Looking to get yt/gt/twitter

    I just got aim and idk how to use it [hr] What is yours ? Ill just add you.
  15. Looking to get yt/gt/twitter

    Yes my aim is Hunter Bryson
  16. Looking to get yt/gt/twitter

    How much a piece?????????????
  17. Looking to get yt/gt/twitter

    Are you willing to sell Phagits to me in a pack?
  18. Looking to get yt/gt/twitter

    Im looking to get a og yt/gt/twitter that are all the same. the most ill pay is $20. Just hmu with what you have.
  19. Willing to buy og gt & twitter

    Im willing to buy an og gt/twitter/yt. The most ill pay is $30. Just post below or send me a pmwith your offer.
  20. Looking to buy a oG gamertag.

    Only gamertags and twitters [hr] Do u have any twitters or gamertags?