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  1. Fault

    Just sold it to Chillin for 500$ thanks man, enjoy
  2. [Help] I Got a new Monitor

    I set up but there is no audio.
  3. [Help] I Got a new Monitor

    I got a Monitor i use for Xbox now. Monitor: Samsung 24" SyncMaster S24B300 Video of it: Since its a monitor, there is no audio. Is there anyway i can get audio? I just ordered Astro's and don't if that will work but how can i hear gameplay through this monitor?
  4. Xbox Avatar?

    Post your Xbox Avatar here. Avatar Name: Avatar Picture: Avatar Name: Ninja Turtle (Leo) Avatar Picture:
  5. Help swapping tag

    Junior, your a faggot, this isnt doctor and maybe i did copy and paste his thread on hf, so?
  6. Help swapping tag

    No man, i have to do it tonight, i just jacked it from a kid named Doctor, i need to hurry
  7. Fault

    RE: Stadium baby, this isnt doctor, hmu on aim, you know what. ill tell you the story
  8. Fault

    RE: Stadium Well i got it from Doctor.
  9. Fault

    RE: Stadium Thats me lol. He just uses it because he loves me
  10. Help swapping tag

    Ok well im thinking about swapping my tag Stadium I have 800msp on it and ready to swap. I will probably do it tonight. I need to to know what is the fastest way of doing it. People say do a thing called 'turbo' but idk what that is but i...
  11. Fault

    Selling my sick GT. Proof will be in PM
  12. Explore Here!

    LMAO Fuck my fat cock in my grandpa stretchy asshole
  13. Explore Here!

    That was Doctor lol Arent you friends with him on XBL?
  14. How old are you?

    Is that you in your avatar OP?
  15. [Buying] Microsoft Points and/or XBL

    Hmu, i need at least one of these, tell me your aim
  16. .... Gone

    RE: M8A1 Whats your aim man, ill hit you up later
  17. Turbo Program

    I can give you Deans Turbo program with the password for $?