Search results

  1. Console Banned along with my Tags!!

    it happend to my friends two. they fucking suck ms "j a k e" it sucks to cuz he didnt even buy the tags :(
  2. WL7 has stats. LOOKING FOR GOOD FINAL.

    bump get this tag sold lolz
  3. Im ready to go and buy PS3 all of my tags got banned

    jake lol come one fuck, i gave you all those tags :P bummer bro call me up asap
  4. or trading GT: i no

    hi siman im the kid you hate <#3333333 u know my tag :>p
  5. or trading GT: i no

  6. What I think should happen in schools.

    the way i treat my teachers i get shot right away if they had guns
  7. Guns Tag Shop [UPDATED]

    I like one v one a lot how much
  8. /Trading C*mb*d**

    No I own a different 3 LETTER
  9. /Trading C*mb*d**

    I use Skype instead of aim but my Skype is q.3.s.
  10. /Trading C*mb*d**

  11. /Trading C*mb*d**

    My name is not Frankie , and bumping this
  12. /Trading C*mb*d**

    selling or trading this tade 100% secure BIN-200 BID-100 Pm me
  13. 3 Letter

    it was torboed / resold bro.
  14. 3 Letter

    Ignore nfs please close this please
  15. Can I Remove DWC Yet?!?!?!

    ^ agree, even that i have know clue what u did, if so wait more than one month (like half year / more ), its just a symbol :p
  16. or trading GT: Monique

    ,i like this baby i may like it ,
  17. GT: ll ll

    i want this tag so bad / but my offers are weak , any who GLWS
  18. gt: eighteen

    this tag is dope, should sell 1.2.3 anywhos GLWS
  19. Three letter OG

    idk if people are selling those stuff but anyway GLWS i have a random 3 Letter though