Search results

  1. which one is better?

    Refrigerator or Gambler? Please let me know.
  2. Chronos and Chill's RuneScape Shop

    do you take Gamertags for RSGP, if you do, i have something pretty nice to offer you.
  3. Help: Need help securing GT 100%

    Ok Shot thanks this tag is quite a beauty and dont want it leaving my hands. Thanks alot for that.
  4. Trading OG!

    Let me assure you guys hes 100% legit and a genuine dude. Hes really new to the tag scene so ease off him a bit.
  5. Help: Need help securing GT 100%

    Ive got a tag thats pretty nice and wanna keep it for awhile now and want someone to help me secure it 100% so theres no bullshit with it. If you could help me out, PM me or post. Thanks.
  6. Trading OG!

    i vouch for this cunt 100 percent. -i no
  7. 3 letter for rsgp

    Pm me for the tag and proof. Its an actual 3 letter not character. I'm only accepting rsgp or aim trades.
  8. a nice tag

    Hey guys kind of new to fk. Looking for a nice tag. I have a nice collection of tags myself. I have a 50 dollar amazon gift card. Pm me for my tags too. I would throw in my gift card along with any of my tags. Hmu (: Sorry for crappy thread. I'm on my phone.
  9. S*nta Cl*use and gr*sshoppers

    Hashy too trashy(: hey buddy!