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  1. ╔►✔630 | Xbox Live Codes | LR/PP/AP/MP/BTC✔◄╗

    PMd you about purchasing, hope to hear back asap! :)
  2. Buying a 48hr

    Title says it all, paying with paypal. Willing to go first. Please post here or PM me :)
  3. 48Hour | XBL | FK Cheapest | Fast Service

    Just sent you the koins. Hope your legit! :)

    RE: 14 day trials and 48 hour codes [TRUSTED] [FAST DELIVERY] Just sent you a PM. Hope to hear back ASAP! :)
  5. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    Haha understandable! I might look into just getting a bowl for it in a bit, but this will have to do. Someone also pointed out if the ice is too small, it could not get "caught" and shatter the percs :(
  6. To All Smoker's and etc.!

    I smoke weed for 2 reasons. 1, is that I am diagnosed with depression and anxiety, so the "relaxation" helps a BUNCH and just has an over-all healthy improvement, whereas the pills Im subscribed, don't do anything near the same. 2, Its a good recreational activity to do with friends, and opens...
  7. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    Damn man, that looks sick as fuck!! I would have got a bigger one, but considering my living situation, I needed something that wouldnt be too hard to hide [hr] Yeah, its called an "ash catcher", I'll post results when it gets here!
  8. 2 $10 iTunes cards for $10PP

    Sorry man, allready sold them.. Closing thread now.
  9. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    I'll give it a look, Just wanted to get something decent that would be here by next friday
  10. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    I live in one of the ONLY two states GrassCity WON'T ship too... Sucks man.. That's why I checked out bong outlet, they have a great selection at a decent price, IMO
  11. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    Go on They have a ton of great bongs for cheaper than my local Headshop. heres a link to an unboxing, very discrete and safe, also including a free bowl and some screens, as I believe they do with all purchases, as seen in the video:
  12. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    "just ordered this bong" "Don't buy it" Read the damn topic before posting please. Also why should I not? and Why does it suck?
  13. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    Haha thanks man! I can't wait to take huge ass rips out of it! I'll post a video if I record it first use :P
  14. Just ordered this bong for my birthday!

    well here's a picture: Specs: - Price: $109 with 3-5 Day Shipping - Height : 12" - Color : Clear body / Green Percolator - Ash Catcher(14mm) & Ice Catcher - Downstem 5.5" / Neck Joint 18mm / Bowl Joint 14mm
  15. DayZ

    I tried WarZ and didn't like it tbh. Plus recently there has been so many issues with it, I feel as though its a waste of money. How is DayZ broken? Other than the occasional hackers?
  16. DayZ

    Yeah, you need to buy arma 2 and operation arrowhead via steam [hr] Nice! Any idea on when that will be? :D
  17. DayZ

    Damn, well, have you tried it on the lowest quality graphics?
  18. DayZ

    Any fellow forumkorner users play DayZ? Hackers or legit players, if you play, post here! I'm downloading it overnight so if anyone wants to team up, or has any good tips for a beginner, let me know! :)
  19. My New DGK Board

    Damn bro, nice skateboard! Good decision, DGKs never did me wrong
  20. What Your favorite type of trucks?

    KRUX trucks is where its at :D