Search results

  1. 7 letter og if your a cKy fan you will like or love anything bam does

    RE: 7 letter og can you pm the tag i'm interested? :)
  2. Spaced 6 letter OG!

    can you pm me the tag please? i'm interested?
  3. Selling Amazing Halo Tag!

    can you pm me the tag please? I'm interested
  4. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    yeah i've been told by a lot of people to use one so i'm gonna thanks prepare :)
  5. Zombies tags updated!

    RE: Two Zombies tags cheap! are they the new pack a punched weapon names? if so i maybe interested
  6. N*Q

    if it's NVQ i might be interested. if not then im not that fussed with it
  7. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    ok will get 3 more and pm you. what is the tag about?
  8. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    Thanks yeah I need to get 10 posts before I can pm anyone so struggling to pm anyone atm
  9. Looking for a TAG!

    Jedi can you pm me please i want to see what tags you have aswell :)
  10. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    can't pm you marshall mathers so you got aim?
  11. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    added you :) 2525252525252525
  12. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    ok thanks for the reply on who to use as a middleman :)
  13. Looking to buy OG tag $450

    Hi all new to here and was looking for a good OG tag. would like it to be something gaming related or just a nice word. will use moneypak as i've seen a lot people only use it so yeah im looking to buy a decent OG tag for around $450.