Search results

  1. Looking for a 3 Character - 12 Month.

    If anyone is willing to sell a 3 character tag hit me up. Willing to give a 12 Month for it.
  2. Selling my main

    You scammed me before for a damn 3 month, you're a low-life.
  3. Need Appraisals On Some Tags.

    Stashed (Not Mine) Honouring (Mine) Critiquing (Mine)
  4. Giving away semi oG.

    GT: Critiq*ing Person that messages me with the most random word gets it.
  5. Giving away semi oG.

    GT: Critiq*ing First person to message me gets it.
  6. 3 month for 3 character / oG GT.

    I have a spare 3 month that I don't need, (Got it for my birthday), and i'm looking to trade for something I may use, I'll go first if you show proof.
  7. 3 month for a three character ?

    I'll sell you AutisticTampon7 for the 3-month?