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  1. What AntiVirus and Firewall do you use?

    RE: Which AntiVirus and Firewall do you use? I use KIS 2011 internet security on my desktop and netbook
  2. [Your Computer Brand]

    Not sure when I going to do it. The netbook is a nice little thing to have. It was on sale for $248 at walmart. I got lucky, since I got the last one
  3. [Your Computer Brand]

    I bought my wife pretty much the same one. But it comes with 250 gb. Might upgrade the ram from 1gb to 2gb.
  4. [Your Computer Brand]

    I have a HP. But you can't tell, since I've changed the case and upgraded a few part. Today I went out today and bought the wife a netbook from MSI. I am digging this netbook. So I am going to buy one for myself. Also looking to build a pc. Not sure which direction i am going to go. Intel or...