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æBot - Booter, IPGrabber, Freeze, Massadd, all in one MSNBot


æBot - Revolutionizing MSNBots

Welcome to the thread of æbot. We are in a sort of beta phase, with me adding and testing new features daily. Get it now while it's cheap - The full version will not have higher prices, but beta users will get special offers! Make sure to read through the information spoiler - It shows the goal of this bot and how it'll succeed and be different than the others! æbot is a VPS hosted bot that you can tell does pretty much everything. Here's the command list - Read through 'em all and weep

Prefix - '@'

General Commands!

* = Admin+ Commands!
* = Admins have 3 freezing slots!
@say <Message> //Says the message
@msay <Message> <Amount> //Says the message amount times
@nudge //Nudges
@snudge <amount> //Nudges amount of times
@ssmiley <amount> //Spams smileys amount of times
@joke //Tells a joke
@massadd <Email> //Massadds email
@google <objective> //google query
@youtube <objective> //youtube query
@freeze <Email> //Freeze email
@checkslots //Check freeze slots
@clearslot <Id> //Clear the slots (After @checkslots)
@rshighscore <Username> //Being fixed
@define <word> //Define word
@addshell <shell link> //Add a booter shell to the list!
@get <your email> //Send link to victim, their IP is emailed to you
@boot <ip> //Boot the IP 3 TIMES AN HOUR

** = AdminUp+ Commands!
** = AdminUps have 5 freezing slots!
@adminlist //Shows list of admins
@blacklist //Blacklist
@blocklist //Blocklist
@testfunction //Think the bot is dead? Say this (ALSO CAN BE USED FOR BETA TESTING
@authed //Being fixed
@totalfrozen //Being fixed
@ping <Website/Ip> <Port> //Ping the website and port
@whois <Website/Ip> //Gets whois details
@freezecheck <Email> //Checks frozen status
@leave // MSN Bot leaves conversation

*** = Reseller+ Commands!

*** = Resellers have, well, as many slots as they want
@addadmin <Email> //Add an admin
@addadminup <Email> //Add an owner
@addblacklist <Email> //Add to blacklist
@remblacklist <Email> //Remove from blacklist
@adminuplist //Lists adminups
@block <Email> //Block an email
@unblock <Email> //Unblock an email
@setpm <PM> //Set personal message
@status <Online/Away> //Status?
@addmacc <Email> <Password> //Add massadd account
@makeslots <Email> <Slots> //Give email # of slots
@rcheckslots <Email> //check the slots of an email
@rclearslot <Email> <Id> //Clear an email's slots
@activethreads //How many threads? DEBUG
@jusage //Usage DEBUG

List of Uses in short
An IP Grabber - Send the victim the link, and you get emailed their IP!
A booter - Uses a public database filled in by YOU, the user! Very hard hitting too
MSN Freezer - Freeze their ass off MSN!
MSN Adder - Takes a lot of accounts and adds to their account!
WhoIs - Find details on a domain!
Ping - Screw downforeveryoneorjustme, use our bot!
Google, youtube, define - Search it up!
Add shells - If you add 20 shells, you get a free month!

Information provided on @information
I am an MSNBot, that helps users achieve goals. This is a community orientated bot - Users help each other in exchange for rewards.

How, might you ask? Well, first of all, every user that does @register will register an account under their email, so your stats are tracked, such as number of times freezing someone and such. The beauty of this is that I track how much you contribute to the project.

And how can I contribute? It's easy! You can add MSN slave bots to our MassAdd list, or add PHP booter shells (GET). There's a good reason to - The power of the bot increases the more you guys help, and you get rewards for having the most shells added and most accounts added. For every 20 massadd accounts added or every 20 booter shells added, you get a FREE MONTH of this amazing bot!

Soon, I will have a communication with a dedicated SQL Database, so I can generate live pictures with your stats. Until then, your stats will be saved and eventually will be transferred to the database. Just remember - Help out, help others, and get rewards.

So to get started, do @commands to find out what you can do.

PS: If you're interested in adding MSN accounts or shells, just read on.

For MSN Accounts for the massadd feature, they must be VALID MSN accounts, and you must have the LOGIN and PASSWORD. If you do, please PM Aether on the hacking.rs forums (Automated coming soon!).

To add shells, they must end in a .php extension, and only use GET to boot. You can use the command @addshell <link> to add it.

Some Pictures of æBot in action




Pricing goes as followed;
Admin - $5.00 USD or 10M RSGP*
AdminUP - $10.00 USD or 20M RSGP*
ReSeller - $20.00 USD or 40M RSGP*

* - All prices are monthly unless you meet the quota of 20 MassAdds added or 20 shells added, if you add 40 of either you can get a free upgrade from Admin to AdminUP and a free month.

I am willing to show the bot to users that contact me, but please do not spam me as I am very busy with many things. To purchase please add my MSN; [email protected]


Carbon said:
Skype like a normal person?

I find Skype annoying . . .
I prefer MSN, let us not turn this into a racial war but instead of race programs.

Please stay on the topic of the thread.


Onyx user!
Carbon said:
Skype like a normal person?

Facebook like normal people