This method is about how to make money from Instagram. I came up with this method by myself and it is currently unsaturated. You will be suprised how simple, and easy this method is. It takes some basic social engineering skills, along with some blackhat method sprinkled it, but your profit will hit the roof once you attempt this.
I now accept both PayPal and Liberty Reserve
If you want to purchase my method, shoot me a private message
or Download for free!
Hackoholic said:Pages: 4, Good nice fonts used, no problems were there to read the ebook.
Originality: 9/10. I never heard of this method before, it was quite Unique + its blackhat.
Ease of following: 8/10. Easy to follow, takes sometime to understand everything, but its worth it.
Grammar: 9/10. I could not notice any spelling mistakes. Easy for anyone to understand.
Overall: 8/10. Small but effective method i never heard of. Blackhat but good enough to earn you some quick bucks!
Camdog said:Alright I just got a vouch copy and yes! This is Legit and WILL WORK! This is farely black hat but you cant get caught. OP, I would only sell 5 of these to make sure this does not get satured.
Dolan. said:Pages: 4. High quality presentation, no absurd use of fonts and colors. Clean and effective.
Originality: 8/10. This method is new to me, and quite unique in my opinion. Very unlikely to be saturated.
Ease of following: 8/10. Each instruction is clearly presented and explained, with additional support available if needed.
Grammar: 9/10. You forgot a comma or two in there somewhere, but it doesn't damage the quality. No spelling errors or major grammatical flaws noticed.
Overall: 8.3/10.
Great eBook, I'm sure if followed correctly the buyer will see some very nice profits.