Welcome to my brand new shop with some tags that you might like!
Proof- http://gyazo.com/0916ddd9d392ebc4a019722c1da376ff
Definition- to amend or alter, to alter something already written or printed, in order to make corrections, improve, or update
Proof- http://gyazo.com/1a771f290e771113ff52f9c3138cb99f
Definition- Man*del"ic\, a. [G. mandel almond.] (Chem.) Pertaining to an acid first obtained from benzoic aldehyde (oil of better almonds), as a white crystalline substance; -- called also phenyl glycolic acid.
Proof- http://gyazo.com/f5c4fcc16f8e7775d4620042f777bf1f
Definition- any plant of the Eurasian and African genus Echium with bell-shaped flowers sometimes borne on single-sided spikes in a wide variety of colours; E. vulgare is viper's bugloss: family Boraginaceae
Thanks for backing me up. I was at school, and sorry you do know that EVERY SINGLE Og is taken right? Im trying to find some short simple words that have meaning. I did not once call these og.