★★★$$$ Money Making $$$ - $250/day - Easy 2 Use - Effective★★★

Hello! My name is GameFamous and I will be reviewing your eBook today! Please keep in mind that this is my strict opinion on this eBook and may vary depending on the reader. Let's begin!

Title: $$$ Money Making Machine $$$
Price: $15
Pages: 2
Author: Scrappy
Reviewer: GameFamous

The author provided a decent amount of information to help the reader understand. There are no images at all, but it doesn't affect the reader at all due to the fact the ebook is easy to follow.

The steps provided are fairly easy to understand and follow. The setup will not take much of your time, since its simple to do. You might have to continue buying the same item, but other than that, it is autopilot. A few investments are needed.

Layout was neat and clean. The appropriate selection of font colors, and the use of it throughout the whole ebook, were pleasing to the eye.

The grammar in the ebook was perfect as I wasn't able to spot any grammatical error whatsoever.


Overall, this method is something I have never heard of before. The author seemed to have grabbed the idea, and add some sort of twist to it.

All in all, this ebook is well written and explained. You will need the minimal amount of time to setup and get going. This ebook is recommended to anybody.
My overall rating for this eBook was: 9
Not being funny or anything but choosing that guy with 2 posts and giving such a good report... Looks to me like you just had a spare account lying around.
Abc said:
Not being funny or anything but choosing that guy with 2 posts and giving such a good report... Looks to me like you just had a spare account lying around.
Nope, you can get TE to check IP differences. He's just an old friend of mine who decided to become active again. I referred him a very long time ago.

If he's your friend you could be in a scam together.
Yep. I've definitely wasted my time creating an e-book then creating the thread with a good layout just to scam people for a measly $15.00 and my friend wasted 40+ minutes reading then writing a legitimate review.

You win!


2 vouch copies still left!
One vouch copy still left, let me know if you'd like the last one!
Perfect ebook! Really easy to understand, exe file doesn't contain any virusses or rats...

really nice book! Might going to do this thanks scrappy!
aapje said:
Perfect ebook! Really easy to understand, exe file doesn't contain any virusses or rats...

really nice book! Might going to do this thanks scrappy!
Of course, I use sepa-auth to secure everything.

Abc, I await your review

Vouch copies are gone, customers from now on have to buy the ebook to get it. Thanks!
Ghastly said:
I'm the one who sold you that thread design over skype
That was my friend(not listing name here). I am Scrappy. Look me up on HF
I asked him for a thread layout and this was what I got. It looks very nice though. If it bugs you that I'm using your layout, let me know.
I wish I had 15$ to buy it mate, hopefully I'll get the money soon. If you want a review, I can take pics and blur the proof of $$$ that I make, and send 50% of all profits to you if you'd like? Just a thought.
Caleb™ said:
I wish I had 15$ to buy it mate, hopefully I'll get the money soon. If you want a review, I can take pics and blur the proof of $$$ that I make, and send 50% of all profits to you if you'd like? Just a thought.
Just letting you know you'll also need extra money to invest into some things. And I don't want your profits, the e-book costs $15.00 and that's it.
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