★★ Panda's sexy little gamertag shop ★★

Would you accept a 10 dollar bill sent in the mail for post office? I'm not going to swat you or anything d00d
I seen V i t o on HF. This user has these!
The Green Panda said:
I'm afraid I can't accept MoneyPak.

I'll see what I can do though and get an exchanger involved.

I'll get back to you.

Kindest Regards

thanks man i love that tag i was gunna pick it up for 60 but was to late but id be happy to meet you buyout hmu tomorrow bro see if i can get a friend to pp you in exchange for my mp!
I think I've seen you around HF. Anyways glws.
y0 bro i will buy Kneecap. Not sure if you deem me trustworthy though because im new. But i have done many deals with paypal and havent had any issues. Get back to ne
The buyouts are way to high the starting bid seems like the buyout. Glws
I would happily buy out Piercing or handled from you.

You say don't buy if you have less than 100 posts, would you make an exception?
You have a really nice shop gong in dude. I will most likely get something from you when i get some cash coming in.
Good luck. I think i have seen you on HF. Seem pretty legit.
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