★ Rubbers COD Services ★ MW3/BO2 Recovery★

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Lobby Status:OPEN

Feel free to check out my youtube below thanks Rubbers


This service will be done via Recovery.
In order do this, I will need the requested account's email and password.
What you will receive is the following

Desired Prestige
Desired Rank
Desired Tokens
Legitimate Stats

RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

These look legit, I've heard your legit.
I might be interested in Bo2.

I'll hit you up on aim, good luck with sales!
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

If you could hit me up on xbox, I am interested in BO2

Pm me.
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

Im interested in this for Blops 1, just want to know the ban rate and what you do if I am banned.
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

Yes I will most likely get this for MW3 if you can tell me the chances of getting banned
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

I will not be doing BO2 the ban rate is to high.
BO1 & MW3 yes the ban rate is still there but its low.

Please message me on aim/skype if you want either services done I hardly get on any website to check if I have PM's.
Some have noticed I will reply to PM like 5 days later.
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

Will you do a vouch copy for Blackops 1?
If so let me know, staff vouched would make it easier for sales I'd think.
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

Can you unban MW3? That would be so legit ....
RE: Recovery Services BO2★BO1★MW3★

Brenton said:
Will you do a vouch copy for Blackops 1?
If so let me know, staff vouched would make it easier for sales I'd think.

No vouches I got video proof and most know im on stealth already.
I have a MW2 Thread on 7S pinned where I host MW2 Challenges ect somewhat daily w/vouches and over 100k views.
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Do you need our details to perform this service?
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Tragic said:
How much for a bundle of all of them?

That's easy go to OP and add it up and that's the total.

Fatman said:
Do you need our details to perform this service?
MW2 = No
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

What about MW3 would you need are info then && do you have a aim if so pm me it I might have a trade.
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Vouch for rubbers, he's legit! Good luck with sales
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Still doing this service and will continue to host mw2 free
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

BO2:Zombies Rental: $1 a minute with a minimum of a 10 minute rental!
BO2:Zombies Bank Mod: $10

RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Vouch for this user very legit.
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Updated OP and lowered prices
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

Vouch, this lucky asshole has lifetime stealth
RE: Recovery Services ★BO1★MW3★MW2

WZRD said:
Vouch, this lucky asshole has lifetime stealth
I do? Don't believe what people tell you because im not on for free.

Also updated OP and new prices.
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