☾The Mob ╳ Official Group ╳ Applications Open☽


Active Member

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Group Info:

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]We are high quality members who strive to make FK more active, fun and enjoyable. This is a rare group to get into because wedon't have applications open all the time. If you apply via UserCP you will be black listed forever.[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Leader: м¢ℓσνιη[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]We are currently recruiting member(s).[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Requirements:[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]
Excellent Grammar.
No scam reports ever
1000 high quality posts
Member for at least 3 months
500 reputation or higher.
10 legit vouches on your vouch thread.
You must post in sub forum 5 times a week.
You must wear the user bar 5 times a week.
At entry, no warning levels active.
Not following The Mob's rules, and ForumKorner's Rules, you will be kicked from the group.[/font]​

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[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Application:[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Code:



[b][color=#FF4500]Do you meet the requirements?:[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FF4500]Are you a good fit? If so why:[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FF4500]Will you stay active?:[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FF4500]Will you use the UB 5 times a week?:[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FF4500]Do you have GFX experience?:[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FF4500]Do play xbox? If so what is your GT:[/color][/b]

[b][color=#FF4500]Would you like to add anything else about you?:[/color][/b]

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Current Members:[/font]​
[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]м¢ℓσνιη

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/font]​

[font=Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif]Users apply via the UserCP will be blacklisted![/font]
I would be very interested in joining this group but I have a 20% warning level
yay looks like you finally did this. I think I'm low on vouches tho, I could get people who previously dealed with me to vouch. I'll be back with an application.




DOB - 3/9/98
I turn 18 in less than a month.


United States of America.

Do you meet the requirements?:

I meet every single requirement.

Are you a good fit? If so why:

I think I make good, useful posts and threads. I think I have the right maturity level also for this group, I strive to be the most high quality I can. I actually just got back into coming back to ForumKorner full time. I have been a member of this forum for four years, I have acquired close to five thousand posts and over three hundred threads. I also can represent this group to the highest level.

Will you stay active?:

I am back on ForumKorner whenever I am not working or not in college. So I will be on ForumKorner pretty much all day. I will always post in the sub-forum.

Will you use the UB 5 times a week?:

You bet, I respect this group, one of the best groups I know on ForumKorner, besides the one I lead. I will gladly wear the userbar five times a week.

Do you have GFX experience?:

I have a little bit, I will be learning more graphics in college, because I am going for I.T Networking, and a graphics class comes with the package.

Do play xbox? If so what is your GT:

I play PS3, but I hope to get an xbox in the next few months. Got to save up the paychecks a little bit.

Would you like to add anything else about you?:

I just really am looking forward for a response on this, I always have wanted to apply for the Mob, but I never thought I would get accepted. So I am trying today.
Thanks for reading my application.
It isn't the best.
Name/Username: Jared

Age: 20

Country/Location: USA

Do you meet the requirements?: Yes.

Are you a good fit? If so why: Yes. I'm always active when I am home. I've been apart of this forum since 2012 so I know a thing or two. I'm always active in group sub-forums as long as other people are active.

Will you stay active?: Yes.

Will you use the UB 5 times a week?: Yes.

Do you have GFX experience?: No.

Do play xbox? If so what is your GT: Yes. JBerg330

Would you like to add anything else about you?: Some of my interests include: sports, cars, & video games.



New York

Do you meet the requirements?:

Are you a good fit? If so why:
I believe I am a very trusted member. I've met all the requirements and this group is what I've always wanted to join ever since I joined on this forum. I have tons of vouches and I try to be HQ. My grammar may not be perfect but I'm trying to get better at it.

Will you stay active?:

Will you use the UB 5 times a week?:

Do you have GFX experience?:
Somewhat. I'm trying to learn by myself through YouTube videos. I usually play around with Gimp and Photoshop.
I took Drawing 1 and 2D design for my college courses.

Do play xbox? If so what is your GT:
I used to play Xbox but not anymore due to college.
I will be getting back on Xbox hopefully near the summer time.

Would you like to add anything else about you?:
Instagram addict.
Netflix/TV Show binger.
Thinking of starting my own Vine videos. Hopefully I get big!
Name/Username: Jake/Rare

Age: 14 but mature and have better grammar than most of the site.

Country/Location: America

Do you meet the requirements?: Yes

Are you a good fit? If so why: I am one of the most active, high quality, and so on members on the site. That meaning I can represent the group in a very positive way.

Will you stay active?: I am on this site daily for hours.

Will you use the UB 5 times a week?: Definitely.

Do you have GFX experience?: Only done a little 2D photoshop and some Cinema 4D work, but I am very rusty.

Do play xbox? If so what is your GT: I do and I have 2 accounts, PM me if you really want them.

Would you like to add anything else about you?: I am a very down to earth guy and normally pretty chill.

You have been accepted! Welcome!

Sorry you have been denied at this time!

You have been accepted! Welcome!

You have been accepted! Welcome!
Even though I have thanked you multiple times, gonna post it here too haha.
Really appreciate the opportunity.
Name/Username: Ryon/Flippy

Age: 15

Country/Location: USA

Do you meet the requirements?: All of them but not 10 valid vouches seeing as I don't have a vouch thread.

Are you a good fit? If so why: I design clothes

Will you stay active?: Yes

Will you use the UB 5 times a week?: I don't fully understand this question as I don't know what you a consider 1 time, like 10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day? lemme know

Do you have GFX experience?: Yes

Do play xbox? If so what is your GT: Not much but you can PM me for it

Would you like to add anything else about you?: I design clothes