♬ Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop ☮☤

RE: Gamertags for Sale

hey bro, are u interested in xbox accounts? for Crystals i will give u like 2 or 3 of my accounts
RE: Gamertags for Sale

Syllabuhl said:
i got scammed out of crystals :/,
sorry dude

fuck bro, that sucks.. here, let me look and see if u have any other good ones

what about Haystack or Modifiers
RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

hey bro, for Haystack or Modifiers, i will give u a few of my accounts
RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

Nice tags you got there man. Glws.
RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

look at the tags in my shop. choose 2 for either haystack or Modifiers

but if u want to give me both of those at once, i will let you choose 5. the shop is in my sig
RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

Syllabuhl said:
i almost bought it from someone of hackforums awhile back if its spelled right

there both Spelled incorrectly
RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

may buy a few of these. PM me ...

RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

Would you do Assumed, Facebook Page, and Libreum for Haystack and Siberian Tiger?
RE: Syllabuhls Gamertag Shop

Syllabuhl said:
i almost bought it from someone of hackforums awhile back if its spelled right

I'm the original owner of Hysterical and HYSTERlCAL. HYSTERlCAL I traded on here and it's being passed around, and Hysterical got scammed by a Middleman on HF but I had it locked. Still have the reference number if I ever want it back.
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