Me and a few buddies of mine decided to make a forum to
discuss taboo things and kinda just be able to mess around with, people seem to like it and we've had a few members join already which wasn't really expected, so we've decided to look for a few people who have spare time and don't mind helping out.
Currently we're looking for:
1 Admin
2 1 Super mod
-Contributors [Contributors are given the ability to sticky/edit editing posts and focus on keeping things quality]
If anybody here would like to apply for one of the positions just post a simple application in the following format.
Position you are applying for:
Reason why you are applying:
Do you have experience being staff on a MyBB forum, if yes elaborate:
Your age:
Your Skype:
How long you've been using forums:
Thanks to everyone who applies.
A preview and link to the
forum is available in my signature.